How do Ion Exchange Water Softener Work
If you are looking a complete informational guide on Ion exchange water filter or You are deciding to buy one. Read out to know the Complete Guide to ion exchange water softener and how they work.
Ion exchange water softener are going to be good investment if you buy it carefully. They help to reduce the magnesium and calcium level from your water by exchanging sodium which is beneficial for your skin, hair and body in some amount, whereas hard water like magnesium and calcium is important for bones.
Do you know that American study beleive that it is important to remove hard water by preventing the loss of magnesium and calcium as they are important for bones growth density. But this is not the big issue as we all can find better alternative for magnesium and calcium from dairy produdts.
In brief on How Ion exchange Water Softener Work
In Ion exchange process, involves 2 tanks. In one tank, cation exchange takes place and in other anions, exchange occurs. The tanks consist of layers of gravel and water is passed to the tank for hard water softening.
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The tank where cation exchange takes place consists of cation exchange resin above the gravel surface whereas in other tank there is the presence of anion exchange resin above the gravel layer. To regenerate the cation exchange resin we add sprays of Dil HCl and H2So4, whereas for the regeneration of anion we add Dil. NaOH.
The cation exchange resin is R-COOH and -SO2Oh whereas anion exchange resin R-NH3OH. R indicates CH3 chain.
The ions of the tank are passed from one tank to another and for this, both the tanks are connected to each other.
Now the water pipeline is connected to the first tank i.e the cation exchange resin tank, the hard water consists of Calcium, Magnesium as hard impurities. The Calcium and Magnesium come in contact with fumes of HCL and H2SO4 and forms Calcium Chloride and Magnesium Sulphate.